Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"The Belle of the Booth"

I named this piece "The Belle of the Booth" 
because I think she is by far my best piece yet!  
I used ASCP Old White and what's that other color?  

I wish I could tell you, but it's a secret...

Belle of the Booth

Ok, it's actually not a secret, but I really can't tell you 
because I was just throwing colors together.  

But I can tell you that it includes some Provence, Old White, 
Aubusson Blue, and some Antibes Green just for good measure!  
I then topped it off with some clear and dark wax. 

Hope no one asks me to match this color! 

The pictures just don't do justice for this vibrant color!

I had to paint the faux key holes otherwise they 
were going to break when I tried removing them.  

After I painted and lightly distressed them...
 I fell in love with the little bit of gold that showed through. 

What do you all think?  Is she the Bell of the Ball?

Check her out for yourself at the 
Graceful Living booth (aisle 14) at the Frisco Mercantile!

PS-Don't you wish all chunky legs were this pretty? ;)



  1. She is fab, love it. Great job, nice piece.

  2. Hey Paula,


    She is the Belle of the Ball!!!

    Janet xox

  3. Pat & Janet...don't even know you either of you, but I love you both! Thank you so much! Just tearing up at your quick and sweet responses!

  4. So glad you are out there doing what you love Paula...I love your work!!

  5. Oh my utterly SPECTACULAR!! Wish I lived close enough to visit your booth! She'll go to her new home in a nano-second!

    Deborah (happily visiting from

  6. i love this piece, gorgeous!! i'm your newest follower ;)

  7. I wish my chunky legs were that pretty! lol


  8. Welcome to my new followers and thank you all so much for your kind words! I can't tell you how much it means to me!

  9. Love it! The color turned out fabulously! You know what I started doing is using a large syringe. A friend got me one from a vet clinic. Now i always track how much of what colors I mix with the syringe incase i ever want to remix and they all go in a book =) I would love to have to share your talents at my VIP party today.
    Have a great holiday weekend!

  10. Thanks for the tip Sommer! And I just posted a link to your page.

    I am happy to announce that the Belle of the Booth sold today! Hooray!
